
ARRL at 100: A Century of Ham Radio

Sussex County ARES is comprised of FCC licensed operators who volunteer their time providing emergency communications to Sussex County, Delaware, when needed. Sussex County ARES provides back up emergency communications to several served agencies in Sussex County.


Sussex County ARES staff consists of the Emergency Coordinator (EC), Assistant Emergency Coordinators (AEC’s), Skywarn Coordinator and any specifically designated operator(s) which will provide liaison services for the ARES group. The ARES organization is not subdivided into local municipalities to allow maximum flexibility in response. It is also NOT divided along “club boundaries” for the same reason.


Sussex County ARES holds regularly scheduled net sessions. The purpose of the net is to provide training, test emergency center radio equipment and to provide information about ARES activities in and around Sussex County.


The Sussex ARES Net is held on first and third Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. local time, on the ARES Primary Repeater 147.090 MHz (PL 156.7). Additional area NETS can be found on the NETS page. 

Sussex County ARES now hosting Online Zoom Training Sessions 

Sussex County ARES is now supplementing our in person training with online Zoom training classes. These training classes will be held on the odd months of the year. The topics of these Zoom meeting will vary but will include message handling, using the WinLink Global Email over Radio System to include setting up and using the WinLink Express Client Software, completing templates within WinLink Express, address any equipment issues, etc. These Zoom will begin at 7pm and will run as long as folks have questions that can be answered. Bring your questions or topic you want covered. If the meeting is before a drill that will be the main topic of the meeting. Jump in and come and go as you want. These Zooms are run by Steven, KC3DSO, so send him an email with any questions. 


Sussex County ARES October Meeting to host Sussex County's new Emergency Manager

The October 9, 2024 Sussex County ARES meeting will have Timothy Cooper, the new Sussex County Emergency Manager as it's speaker. Mr. Cooper will provide an update on the county, possible changes, etc. This will be a hybrid meeting but in person attendance is highly encouraged. Visit the Meeting page for information on when and where we meet. Any questions send them to Jim Baker, N3XKJ via ec@sussexcountyares.org


Delaware Section to hold Simulated Emergency Test (SET) - October 26, 2024

The Delaware Section will be holding it's statewide Simulated Emergency Test (SET) on Saturday, October 26, 2024. This SET will include stations in New Castle, Kent and Sussex Counties. All radio operators are welcome to participate. Mark your calendars now. Questions can be sent to Steven Keller, KC3DSO, Section Manager via email